FIVE GENERATIONS AT TAIMATEThe Hickman family association with the area now known as Taimate began in 1905 when a 428 acre parcel of land was won in a land ballot which divided up the great Flaxbourne Station.
The area was not named Taimate until a few years later when the railway was brought through the area. The true origin of the name is now unknown. One theory is that the Māori railway workers at the time possibly named it after the lake at the southern end of the property which is now known as Lake Elterwater. |
The name Taimate, 'Tai' meaning tidal water and 'Mate' meaning 'dead' or 'not flowing', may relate to the fact that the lake dries up in very dry periods and only flows to the sea when in flood. The lake was an abundant source of food for Māori providing predominantly birds and eels for food as well as flax for other materials for clothing, utensils and shelter.
Taimate has so far had four generations of Hickman's farming the land with the fifth generation well on their way to becoming the future caretakers. In that time there has been numerous droughts and floods making this a tumultuous environment for farming.
Taimate has so far had four generations of Hickman's farming the land with the fifth generation well on their way to becoming the future caretakers. In that time there has been numerous droughts and floods making this a tumultuous environment for farming.
Changes At Taimate Over The Years
Jack’s son Ossie took over the reins in the mid 1970’s. Over the years Ossie introduced four sheep studs to the property, Romneys in 1963, Coopworths in 1970, Dorset Downs in 1989 and Poll Dorsets in 2003. He has been widely regarded as one of the premium breeders of Coopworth rams, regularly topping ram fairs all over the country. Today, with the expansion of the vineyards and the Angus stud, all capital sheep have been sold. Replaced by around 2500 store lambs each year from March to November.
During his time Ossie oversaw the farm size at Taimate almost quadruple. This is no mean feat when that period has been no doubt the hardest in history, with Rogernomics, interest rates close to 25%, commodity prices seemingly always low, and with crippling ongoing droughts. Most of what Taimate has today can be attributed to Ossie’s stockmanship and fiscal skills.
During his time Ossie oversaw the farm size at Taimate almost quadruple. This is no mean feat when that period has been no doubt the hardest in history, with Rogernomics, interest rates close to 25%, commodity prices seemingly always low, and with crippling ongoing droughts. Most of what Taimate has today can be attributed to Ossie’s stockmanship and fiscal skills.
The Land And Climate
Taimate, comprising of 676 Hectares/ 1670 Acres is an extremely dry coastal property within a stones throw of the Lake Grassmere Saltworks. We specialise in dryland grass fed stud stock, and also have 85Ha of Sauvignon Blanc grapes.
The only irrigation at Taimate is for the grapes. No grass is watered. The animals must handle what the seasons give, with only grass and hay feeding. Most years from mid November until mid March the area is golden brown, hot and windswept, hence the Salt Lakes being just along the road.
To handle the climate the animals must be able to convert grass to meat quickly and hold condition throughout the tough long, dry months. We believe this is why the Taimate stock are strongly regarded as excellent shifters to all parts of the country.
Approximately 130 hectares is planted in Lucerne/legume based permanent pasture and the balance is in native grasses. In 2006 the first 11ha of grapes were planted. The land is 25% flat, and 20% medium rolling with the balance hill.
Our long term annual rain fall is a meager 550ml (22 inches). In the decade from 2005 to 2015 we didn't even average 400ml (16 inches). The worst period of June 2002 until June 2003 saw only 165ml (6 1/2 inches) fall in an entire year! Calm days are a rarity at Taimate. Regularly wind blows in excess of 100kph, from all directions and the evaporation rate means most times of the year Taimate is in a severe soil moisture deficit, hence the very dry conditions.
The only irrigation at Taimate is for the grapes. No grass is watered. The animals must handle what the seasons give, with only grass and hay feeding. Most years from mid November until mid March the area is golden brown, hot and windswept, hence the Salt Lakes being just along the road.
To handle the climate the animals must be able to convert grass to meat quickly and hold condition throughout the tough long, dry months. We believe this is why the Taimate stock are strongly regarded as excellent shifters to all parts of the country.
Approximately 130 hectares is planted in Lucerne/legume based permanent pasture and the balance is in native grasses. In 2006 the first 11ha of grapes were planted. The land is 25% flat, and 20% medium rolling with the balance hill.
Our long term annual rain fall is a meager 550ml (22 inches). In the decade from 2005 to 2015 we didn't even average 400ml (16 inches). The worst period of June 2002 until June 2003 saw only 165ml (6 1/2 inches) fall in an entire year! Calm days are a rarity at Taimate. Regularly wind blows in excess of 100kph, from all directions and the evaporation rate means most times of the year Taimate is in a severe soil moisture deficit, hence the very dry conditions.
TAIMATE TODAY - BUlls, vines & horses
With the expansion of the vineyards at Taimate, unfortunately the ewes and hence sheep studs had to go. This was a very tough decision, but one that had to be made. This has however allowed cattle numbers to increase slightly, with 250 females currently calving. 70+ bulls selling in an on-farm 2yo sale in June each year, 30+ yearling bulls selling each Spring privately, and the early stages of thoroughbred and standardbred horse stud breeding.
The Taimate Angus Breeding Philosophy is based around the needs and wants of the commercial farmer. That is producing a bull who arrives at his new home, looking the same as he did in the sale, who then does his job over all of the females he is put with. He regains condition quickly, his off spring are born easily and survive with good growth rates through to weaning and beyond. Breeding a cow that is quiet, fertile, easy doing and long lasting. He is a bull the farmer can depend on for several years.
Taimate Angus Bulls learn more
Taimate began to explore the possibility its terroir could be included within Marlborough’s successful wine industry in 2004. With a dry, windy and sunny environment coupled with ancient loess soils the setting was set for a slightly cooler but more disease free grape growing environment set to compliment the ever-industrialised grape growing region of Blenheim and its nearby valleys.
Learn more about Taimate Vineyards
A passion for breeding and racing horses has played a key role in Hickman family life for several generations. Combining that passion with a foundation of stud stock success at Taimate, brothers David, Paul & John Hickman have now formed ‘Taimate Equine’ as a Thoroughbred and Standardbred bloodstock business.
Learn more about Taimate Equine
The next generation of Taimate kids have now started high school- wow time flies!! It is with them in the forefront of their minds that farming at Taimate continues, sustainably and enjoyably with a passion for excellence.
The Taimate Angus Breeding Philosophy is based around the needs and wants of the commercial farmer. That is producing a bull who arrives at his new home, looking the same as he did in the sale, who then does his job over all of the females he is put with. He regains condition quickly, his off spring are born easily and survive with good growth rates through to weaning and beyond. Breeding a cow that is quiet, fertile, easy doing and long lasting. He is a bull the farmer can depend on for several years.
Taimate Angus Bulls learn more
Taimate began to explore the possibility its terroir could be included within Marlborough’s successful wine industry in 2004. With a dry, windy and sunny environment coupled with ancient loess soils the setting was set for a slightly cooler but more disease free grape growing environment set to compliment the ever-industrialised grape growing region of Blenheim and its nearby valleys.
Learn more about Taimate Vineyards
A passion for breeding and racing horses has played a key role in Hickman family life for several generations. Combining that passion with a foundation of stud stock success at Taimate, brothers David, Paul & John Hickman have now formed ‘Taimate Equine’ as a Thoroughbred and Standardbred bloodstock business.
Learn more about Taimate Equine
The next generation of Taimate kids have now started high school- wow time flies!! It is with them in the forefront of their minds that farming at Taimate continues, sustainably and enjoyably with a passion for excellence.
The Families
JOHN & ANDREA & KIDSI am married to Andrea and we have three children, Jordan, Holly and Tia. My passion is Family, the Farm and the Community and will always remain so. The success of our family relies on our strength in business as well as within the community and so everything I strive to do is aimed at enhancing what we have for future generations. I have a double major Degree in Farm Management and Rural Valuation with a Graduate Diploma in Marketing. Having worked in many farming and primary industry roles from Invercargill to Warkworth and in financial management in the UK I found 'Home' again when the expanding grape industry allowed for my return to Taimate.
PAUL & NADINE & KIDSFarming has always been my life and taking over the management of the Taimate Angus Stud was very much a natural progression for me after spending my entire early life in and around, living and breathing the stud stock industry, both sheep and beef. It had been a long time aim of mine to increase the number of stud cattle to where it is today and beyond. Angus cattle are something I am very passionate about.
Taimate has been an awesome place for my wife Nadine and I to bring up our four children - Ashlee, Matt, Samantha and Victoria. |